منازعات العمل والعمال

Labor and worker disputes

Hits: 1153


Our department enjoys a great reputation in terms of creativity and excellence in services and provides a full range of professional services to our clients. This department has the ability to serve our clients locally and internationally.

We have expertise in employer practices, abusive layoffs, and work safety regulations. We also provide drafts for avoiding medical liability, arbitration and liability and review work documents for appropriate practices, in addition to dealing with employee entitlements issues that arise for them and we deal with all issues related to workers and aspects of work. Our services in this field also include drafting employment contracts and other procedural agreements, and we provide legal advice.


Other services

منازعات التحكيم

Arbitration disputes

صياغة العقود والأتفاقيات المحلية والدولية

Drafting local and international contracts and agreements